Cementing Penis Enlargement Exercise Gains

Long weeks of working out the penis and making it expand in size should never be wasted. When the time comes to put all the hard work behind you and lie back to savor the fact that you have managed to reach your goals, you still need to cement those gains and make sure they stay with you through the years. Or maybe you simply want to take an extended break. You no longer have the time, the privacy or the inclination to pursue the program and you’re not sure if you want to return to it later or not. Still, you should take certain steps to keep what you’ve gained so far.

The penis exercise program has one final step before the complete stop. We strongly advise you not to stop the program all of a sudden, as there is no guarantee that you will keep the gains you’ve made so far. The cooling down period is designed to cement your gains and get your penis used to a less active program and to more healing time, until the exercises finally stop. It is very important to go through this period in order to avoid a sudden transition that puts unnecessary stress on your system.

The cool down program focuses on a gradual decrease in the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise, including the warm up and warm down periods. You can start by looking at your current program and slashing the number of reps by half for one week. This should bring you down from 25-30 minutes to 15 minutes. Keep this up for seven days and then slash the number of reps again in order to reach a workout program of only 10 minutes or so. You can also start removing the more advanced exercises completely from your schedule.

On the third week of the cooling down period stick to 10 minutes of Basic Jelq per day, every day. Try not to skip this exercise over the next seven days because it’s really important that you stick to it. This is the final step of the cool down program and at the end of the third week you’re all done. The gains brought by your hard work and the program should be permanent and a source of pleasure to you for the rest of your life. Remember that keeping your pubococcygeus muscle in shape is a must. This is one part of the program that you should never give up if don’t want to suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

Also keep in mind that a quick stretch or a short Jelq session every now and then can’t hurt you, although you should be careful not to injure yourself. Some programs have a Toning Up exercise that can be used as a maintenance tool. The basic idea is to get a bag of ice or frozen vegetables from the fridge, place them in a cloth and wrap the cloth around the flaccid penis for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the cloth and apply a hot compress and massage for 5 minutes. This is a good exercise to perform on a regular basis in order to make sure that your penis has good blood flow.

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